Dec 20, 2010

St Stephen Martyr

Where: St Stephen Martyr, 2436 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20037

When: Sunday, December 19th, 2010.

Web: The parish website is located here; the ADW listing is here.

We attended 5:30pm Mass at this church in the Foggy Bottom neighborhood of DC (note: not the 5:30pm Vigil Mass - St Stephen's has a late Mass on Sunday, most likely to accommodate the GWU students).

A single priest celebrated the Mass, with the assitance of two lectors and an altar server.  There was neither a cantor nor a music group.  The Mass followed the standard rite.  The priest focused his homily on the dream-like interactions God had with Joseph, Isaiah, and Ahaz, noting the different responses of each. 

The large congregation was quite mixed, both racially and in age.