Mar 25, 2012

Chapel of St Thomas More, Georgetown University Law Center

Where: Chapel of St Thomas More, Georgetown Law Center, 600 New Jersey Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001
When: Sunday, March 25th, 2012.

Web: The website for Georgetown's campus ministry is here.

We attended the 11am Mass at this small (multi-faith) chapel in the basement of a Georgetown Law campus building.  A single priest celebrated Mass, assisted by a pianist, a nun, and two readers.  Students formed the bulk of the congregation of 24.  The Mass followed the standard rite.  We were seated for the Liturgy of the Word; we stood around the altar in a semi-circle for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.  Both the host and wine were offered for Holy Communion.  The priest focused his homily on the need to use our life in service of others, as commanded by today's Gospel reading.

Mar 15, 2012

East Inpatient Tower Chapel at National Children's Medical Center

Where: East Inpatient Tower Chapel, National Children's Medical Center, 111 Michigan Ave NW, Washington, DC 20010.

When: Thursday, March 15th 2012.

Web: The hospital's pastoral care webpage is here.

We attended midday Mass in one of the NCMC's two chapels.  This chapel is the smaller of the two and serves the inpatient wing of the hospital.  Basically it is a small utility room, with space for about twelve people.  At this Mass, a single priest celebrated; the congregation was seven people.  Except for us, all were staff.

The Mass followed the standard rite.  One of the congregation served as lector.  The priest focused his short homily on the gift of conscience; and how without it, man is degraded.  Both the host and wine were offered for Holy Communion.

Mar 12, 2012

Caldwell Chapel, Catholic University of America

Where: Caldwell Chapel, Catholic University of America, 620 Michigan Ave NE, Washington, DC 20064.

When: Monday, March 12th, 2012.

Web: The University's Catholic ministry page is here.

We attended Monday evening Mass at this chapel on the CUA campus.  A single priest celebrated Mass, assisted by a reader, an extraordinary Eucharistic minister, and an altar server.  Both the host and wine were offered for Holy Communion.  There was no music.  The congregation was about sixty, almost filling the small but beautiful old chapel.

The Mass followed the standard rite.  Before he began the Mass, the priest noted that the Mass was being offered in remembrance of several deceased CUA alumni/staff; he mentioned them by name.  Later, in his homily, the priest noted that God is present with us even in times of great difficulty, such as bereavement.  We have to take that leap of faith to believe that, even in the midst of suffering, doubt, and anger, God is there for us.