Jan 2, 2011

Chapel of the Incarnation, Washington Hospital Center

Where: Chapel of the Incarnation, Washington Hospital Center, 110 Irving St NW, Washington DC, 20010.

When: Sunday, January 2nd, 2011.

Web: The website for the WHC chaplaincy service is located here.

We attended the daily 12:00pm Mass at the chapel in the Washington Hospital Center.  This little chapel seats about twenty; the congregation of mainly hospital staff was about that number.  The hospital chaplain celebrated the Mass with the assitance of a pastoral sister, who prepared the chapel, led the Angelus before Mass, led the singing of hymns (with a harmonica), and served as eucharistic minister.  She asked a member of the congregation to read both readings and the responsorial psalm.  

The Mass followed the standard rite.  Both the host and wine were offered for Holy Communion.
As today is the feast of the Epiphany, the priest focused his homily on firstly explaining the manifestation of Jesus to the magi (it announced Jesus to the gentiles and it ended man's dependance on the stars for guidance) and secondly reminding us that we were to be 'stars' guiding each other through life.