When: Sunday, May 15th, 2011
Web: The parish's website is here; the ADW listing is here.
We attended 11:00am Mass at this popular church in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of the city. Shortly after our arrival, we were spotted as visitors, greeted, and handed a welcome card. As the priest began Mass, he asked for visitors and new parishoners to stand - we were greeted by applause. These were very welcoming touches. Also before the start of Mass, and a first in our DC Mass-going experience, the priest led the congregation in repeating the church's mission and vision statements.
A lone priest celebrated Mass, assisted by a deacon, two readers, two altar servers, and a large choir/band. The choir and band provided music throughout all parts of the Mass. The Mass followed the Standard rite. The priest gave a homily directed in part at the church's youth group, which, that morning had returned from a two-day retreat. Basing his homily on the parable of the shepherd and sheep from today's Gospel, he told them to forget the numerous cultural influences that lead them away from God and the life He wants for us. He called on (us) older members of the congregation to affirm that.
Toward the end of the (already lengthy) Mass, several members of the youth group shared their experiences and learning from the retreat. Various organizers and supporters were recognised as well.