Oct 30, 2011

St Anthony of Padua

Where: St Anthony of Padua church, 1029 Monroe St NE, Washington, DC 20017.

When: Sunday, October 30, 2011.

Web: The ADW listing is here; the parish's own website is here.

We attended 8:30am Mass at this parish church, which serves the Brookland neighborhood of the city.  A lone priest celebrated Mass, with the assistance of a deacon, two alter servers, two readers, two eucharistic ministers, an organist, and a cantor.  The Mass followed the standard rite.  The priest focused his homily on the Gospel reading, in which Jesus highlighted the hypocrisy of religious (and other) leaders, who were interested more in the trappings of office than in serving God.  The priest noted similar dangers in our own times and in our own lives.

Both bread and wine were offered for communion.  At the end of Mass, a nun came to the alter to receive consecrated hosts to give to those unable to attend Mass - the congregation prayed over her.  The congregation itself was about fifty; a diverse group including young and old, families, couples, and single people; and blacks and whites.