Feb 6, 2011

St Vincent's chapel, Catholic University of America

Where: St Vincen't chapel, Catholic University of America, 620 Michigan Ave NE, Washington, DC 20064 (the chapel is located near the CUA-side enterance to Brookland Metro station, just off John McCormack road)

When: February 6th, 2011.

Web: The CUA campus ministry site is located here.

After a vacation break, and cause to attend the Basilica a couple of times during January, today we returned to our pilgrimage around DC churches and chapels.  Today we attended the 11am Mass at St Vincent's chapel, one of three such chapels on the Catholic University of America campus that offer Mass. 

A single priest - we think from a monastic order - celebrated Mass with the assistance of two altar servers, two cantors, a pianist, two readers, and five eucharistic ministers.  The Mass followed the traditional rite.  The priest focused his homily on today's Gospel reading, in which Jesus commanded us to make our faith known to the world.  The priest reiterated Jesus' message, asking us to share our faith with others by living overtly Christian lives.

The congregation was, as one might expect, overwhelmingly young students.  Almost all of the hundred or so in attendance were white.  There appeared to be slightly more females than males.  It was encouraging for us to see so many young people attend Mass on a beautiful spring morning.